
Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Reading habits

Following Scott PackBig Green Bookshop and Maggie Bob's lead, I'm going to write briefly about how, when, why and where I read.
1. I read anything and everything. Literary fiction, crime (though not gory; see below), horror (as above), romantic fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, historical , cookery books, even though I don't cook much: everything.
2. Books with a lot of graphic violence/ sexual violence, particularly against women, I find very difficult to read. Particularly rape as character development: see a lot of urban paranormal. Ugh.
3. I read anywhere and everywhere, except on the loo (eww) and on buses (make me travel sick). I feel a bit anxious if I don't have at least one book on the go. 
4. I mostly read paperback books, bought from physical shops. It depresses me that so many high streets are just betting shops, charity shops, pound shops and "cash converters". I'm the same with music- I support record shops. Use them or lose them and live in clone-town.
5. I don't judge you if you read differently from me. Reading should be pleasurable, fun and enhance your life. It shouldn't be like eating this bowl of twigs and dust that I'm chewing because it's good for me. 
Now, what are your reading habits? 


  1. You don't read on the loo?! That's the only way I get some books finished... though it's really ebst for magazines :)

    1. Ha! No; I'm a bit squeamish about that. I read in the bath though, as some of my wrinkly books will confirm!

  2. I particularly like point no.5 as I spent many adult years reading what I thought I *should* read, only allowing myself to read other things after I'd 'earned' it. Whilst this meant that I discovered a few treasures that I mightn't otherwise have come across, it also meant that I wasn't looking forward to reading as much as I once had. As I child I devoured anything and everything that took my fancy and I do the same again now, which is way more fun!
    I'm also getting better at abiding by one of Daniel Pennac's pieces of advice to not finish a book if I'm not enjoying it, though I still find that hard.
    I read mostly paperbacks too and usually just last thing in the evening now as that's the only chance I get, though if any other opportunities arise I grab them with both hands :)
    I like to read children's books (predominantly picture books and early chapter books at the moment, though am starting to read more YA stuff) and I like biographies, historical fiction, literacy fiction, romantic fiction and anything that's funny.
    I like books that remind me of something or that resonate with something in my own life. I'm not so into fantasy (outside of children's books), science fiction, etc., though I'd never rule anything out.
    Thanks for a really interesting post, I loved thinking about my own reading habits!

    1. Thank you for your comment! I agree, we can see reading as being "good for you", and read what we think we should. And of course challenging reading can be enjoyable too, but reading should be fun.

  3. Very nice, thanks for the information.
