
Monday, 25 April 2011

Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf by Catherine Storr

Review by Liam R, age 6, and Claire R (Mum).

Liam - I think this book is very funny. One of my favourite parts is when Wolf tries to plant normal objects in the garden to make them grow, but he doesn't realise that a piece of a ladder won't grow into a big ladder! That made me laugh very hard.  I liked the chapter where Wolf thought he was invisible, because he was doing lots of silly things and thought no one could see him.  The Wolf does lots of silly things and is very naughty but I really liked him.

I read some of the book by myself and sometimes Mum read it to me. I'm going to take the book to show my teacher when I go back to school.

I think that other boys and girls should read this book as I think they will really like it.  I really enjoyed waiting to see if Polly would get eaten up by the Wolf.

Claire -
This book has been a pleasure to read with both of the boys (aged 6 and 9).  I like to read aloud to Liam and he always enjoys listening to stories where there are opportunities to bring the story characters to life with interesting voices and Wolf is definitely one of those characters!

The book is split into lots of short stories for easy reading and while each one carries a similar theme of whether Wolf will ever catch Polly, the content is imaginative and varied as he tries every trick in the book.  While Wolf is the 'baddie' of the stories, the way the stories are written make him seem very human and quite endearing at times and adds to the charm - Liam found himself wanting Wolf to catch Polly before the end of the book!

All in all a highly recommended read both for children, and for parents. I can guarantee that this book will be a favourite to go back to over the next few years.


  1. This is a wonderful review, thank you both very much. Liam- my favourite scene is when Wolf is pretending to be a train when he thinks he's invisible. It made me laugh too.

  2. Now I want to read this. My children are 18 and 13 so I shall read it to myself. Thank you Liam, you are an excellent book reviewer!

  3. I love Liam's review. It makes me want to read the book too.

  4. This has been one of my absolute favourite books since I was a little girl. It was lodged at my Nan's house and, as we were both scared of them, we used to read it to each other through any thunderstorms that happened while I stayed there!

    My 4 girls have also all loved it.

  5. What a lovely memory, Merry! I honestly have never taught a class of 6-9 year olds who didn't love these stories; considering that they must be over 40 years old, that is quite a tribute.
